A Mere Woman


How absolutely wonderfully condescending this is.

Thank you Joseph for realising that I, a mere woman, needs to be “mentored” and given “on the ground training” to be able to untangle the intricacies of politics – something which men do NATURALLY, of course.

Thank you Joseph for letting me, a mere woman, finally play in the adults’ sandpit.

Thank you Joseph for making the “impossible happen”, and declaring to the whole island that I, a mere woman, need ‘special treatment’ in order to be able to play catch-up with the boys.

How about putting your money where your mouth is and ensuring that Parliamentary sessions are held during working hours, so that women aren’t forced to opt for baby-sitting – because it is OBVIOUSLY a woman’s job to take care of children after working hours?

How about putting your money where your mouth is and creating an awareness campaign about division of labour of house-hold and child-minding duties?

How about putting your money where your mouth is and ensuring equal pay for men and women?

Talking down to women certainly doesn’t demonstrate your progressiveness.

3 thoughts on “A Mere Woman

  1. Tweġiba f’waqtha. Prosit. Tajjeb ngħidu imma li minkejja l-paneġierku li għamel, opportunità bħal dik biex itellgħu mara viċi kap baqa’ f’wiċċu.


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